Catherine Miller
BSc (Hons), MSc, FGS, CGeol
Catherine is a Fellow and Chartered Geologist with the Geological Society of London. She has over 10 years' consultancy experience of issues surrounding geotechnical engineering, contaminated land, remediation and reclamation for residential, commercial and industrial developments. Her experience includes:
- Project management, design, specification and reporting of Phase I and II geotechnical, environmental and contamination investigations;
- Geotechnical logging of deep boreholes including shaft pilot holes;
- Resident Engineer for reclamation and earthworks schemes;
- Expert in geotechnical issues and risks associated with shallow coal mine workings;
- Desk studies for open cast coal projects;
- Supervision of large scale open pit coal and coal bed methane exploration drilling programs in UK.

Matthew Lakey
Managing Director
Matthew is a professional member of the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) and the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM). He has over 10 years’ consultancy experience in contaminated land, remediation and reclamation for a wide range of development schemes. His experience includes:
- Project management, design, specification and reporting of Phase 1 and 2 geo-environmental site investigations;
- Preparation of remediation/reclamation and earthworks method statements including materials management plans;
- Management of hydrogeological and hydrological monitoring programmes for mine development;
- Ecological surveys including for bats and newts, as well as general aquatic surveys;
- Experienced with database management and reporting.

Richard Izatt-Lowry
BSc(Hons), MSc, CGeol, CEng
Technical Consultant
Richard is a Chartered Engineer and Chartered Geologist with over 25 years' international experience in engineering geology, consultancy and construction. Richard’s skills include:
- Code-compliant resource evaluations for onshore and offshore coal and phosphate projects;
- Geotechnical and environmental advice for the reclamation of deep and opencast mines;
- Shale gas exploration and prospectively analysis;
- Geotechnical design of foundations, ground improvement, earthworks and slope stabilisation;
- Hydrogeological assessment, pollution modelling and the design and validation of derelict land reclamation schemes;
- Waste management, Environmental Permitting, Environmental Impact Assessment and regulatory liaison;
- Management of large projects and multi-disciplinary teams to meet quality, budget and timescales.
Richard is currently acting as a Hydrogeological and Geotechnical Advisor on the York Potash Development Project (Anglo American PLC) in North Yorkshire, with specific input to earthworks, foundations, rock mechanics, waste management, environmental permitting and hydrogeological impact assessment of the mine and mineral transport system.

Alastair Moyes
Principal Consultant
Alastair has over 35 years’ experience in geology and geological research; He is a highly experienced economic geologist, with a background in geochemistry, exploration, mineralisation models, project valuation and resource-reserve management. Alistair is a member of Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy and experienced in reporting to SAMREC, JORC, NI 43-101 and PERC. Alastair's experience also includes:
- Experience in gold, base metal and coal exploration in Africa and Australia.
- Proficient at interpreting multiple sets of field data for successful target generation, prospect ranking and improved geological understanding.
- Experienced manager for acquisition, distribution and management of base metal exploration data in Africa.
- Experienced in coal mineral resource and reserve estimation, including geological modelling and reporting.
- Qualified/Competent Person for regulatory compliance for coal resource and reserve reporting.
- Qualified/ Competent Valuer for SAMVAL, VALMIN and CIMVAL mineral asset valuations.
- Substantial due diligence and project review work for a major mining company.
- Alastair has a BSc (Hons) in Geology and a PhD in Geochemistry, and has extensive experience through employment in academia, the British and South African Antarctic programmes and two major mining houses based in South Africa and Australia. His career has encompassed rare-earth geochemistry, radiogenic isotope geology, multidisciplinary data integration, exploration, mineral deposit modelling, mineral asset valuation, mining law and property, project evaluation, mineral resource management, company standards and business best practice, and resource-reserve reporting. He is qualified as both a Competent Person and a Competent Valuer, registered with SACNASP and AusIMM.